Each project is unique! An individual project will be ‘shaped’ by the Project Brief, the Client circumstances and arrangements, the existing site circumstances, plus the numerous project stakeholder requirements, interests and expectations. The successful delivery of a project, especially a construction project, will require a proactive, diligent and coordinated approach – with professional inputs required from a wide and diverse assembly of people and organizations.
Regardless of size, cost and design, most construction projects introduce complex delivery requirements. Also, due to the unique nature of every project, there is often no standard approach to managing a project’s successful delivery. A simplistic assessment of a project manager’s role could state that the project manager can manage a project’s delivery plus advise, assist and/or undertake any/all client decisions, duties and responsibilities.
Everyone has a different outlook and aspirations. Some clients may wish to take a central and active role in the management of their project – where other clients may not have the time or confidence to undertake project management responsibilities. Where clients ‘fit’ within these two extremes, a project management support services may be of value. The project management services as listed below can provide an initial guide for discussion.
The activities most commonly involved with construction project management include:
We are defined by the spaces we exist within.
We define those spaces.